
Friday, September 26, 2008

We Did It!

I have been wanting to get some 2 and 4 year old pictures of my kids for a long time, and kept putting it off ... well ... because usually it's a crap-shoot as to whether they will turn out or not. But a good friend called me last week, and said she scouted out two places I should check out ... I did ... and I fell in love! Big plans to return very soon!

It's often easier to photograph someone elses kids I find. That being said - we had a blast tonight!! The kids were great - Tatum was hilarious ('course the big 'ol lollipop *might* of had something to do with it). Brock fell asleep on the way there, so he was a little less than in great spirits ... we managed alright though (thanks to the 'choo-'choo-tain!) that came thundering through town at the perfect moment ;)

I have a bad habit of putting up too many pictures. So, here are scads ... of the most beautiful kids in the world {little biased quite obviously}. I made the mistake of giving Brock gum to make him happy ... and yes, it worked like a charm ... but if you catch yourself thinking "...hmmm, looks like he's got something in his mouth" ... he does.

Can you believe in a little less than three weeks now, I'll be the mother of three children? Me neither ;)


Anonymous said...

Those are SO adorable. I think you should give Jana a full time job scouting. If the kids were for sale I would totally buy them, they look so stinkin cute!

Angie Higa said...

Who said they weren't for sale?! Call me! We'll work something out ;)

Grethel Van Epps said...

awesome!! they are so cute!.. I'm glad it worked out!!..
now where are the pics of that cute belly??

Anonymous said...

I love them....I laughed right out loud at some of them and now I'm coming straight to your house to give my darlin'litttle grandkidlets a big smooch! Good job Ang!

Anonymous said...

These are awesome photos Angie! You do such beautiful work.

Judy Sprinkle