
Monday, November 10, 2008

I'm Free Thursday Afternoon - Anyone Else?!

Well, that last session was fun! So - seeing how the holidays are fast approaching, I was thinking I might try to squeeze another session in this week ... how does Thursday late afternoon sound? Wondering, thinking, pondering ... perhaps there is a baby out there - who's parent's are free from work around - say 3:00 pm - and this baby has a hat or two that is so fun and colorful ...

Now - if there ARE any takers - you don't have to have a baby ... you can have big kids. Wait. You don't even have to have kids. I just have baby on the brain, because Baby Sophie is three weeks old already ... and I'm loving the cooing, baby raspberries (well, I guess in our case, they're not really yet the true raspberries ... it's more the foaming at the mouth for whatever reason teeny babies think it necessary to do so...), sweet smells, and snuggles under my chin .... *sigh* ....

Right. Back to reality. So. If anyone out in cyberland is interested ... please email me at ... and I'll schedule the first person in. I realize this is all fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants how I'm randomly posting about openings ... but you know what? I'm hugely enjoying this, I'm not overwhelmed with pictures, I've got a busy clan at home - and well ... this is just what works best for me right now.

As if this post wasn't long enough already - once again, I just want to draw your attention to my new price list (click said word for details ;) ... and note I no longer give the CD ... although it is available for purchase.

Here's a couple more from yesterday ... she left a comment on my blog thinking the little dude spent most of his time having a fit on the ground ... *I* think we got some cute ones ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Angie!! If only I lived just a wee bit closer; I would totally be all over your offer for Thursday afternoon. Oh well- have fun. Absolutely adore your stuff!!