Little Layla's mom and I have been fantastic friends for twenty-seven years. Twenty-seven years. We met in kindergarden, and have stayed connected ever since. We've been through jelly-shoes and puberty, back-combed bangs and nkotb (baby!), slumber-parties and arguments, maturing and starting our own families ... all together. She can make me laugh like nobody else, she has the WORLD's nicest handwriting, and she stood by my side to help me through one of the most difficult times of my life - losing my father. She's one of the best, and I know until the day I die - and maybe even beyond - she'll be there for me, and I for her.
Here is her precious third baby, Layla. She is full of spunk, and everything else good that little girls should be. She smiles. A lot. And it's beautiful. Happy six months, baby girl :-)

I had her eye's for a moment ...

then her beautiful momma stole her heart :-)

1 comment:
Beautiful baby and beaautiful pics!!
Love the ones of mom and baby!
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