
Sunday, May 17, 2009

I hung a left and pulled into town. Drove a full block, and right where she said it would be, was the little white house on the corner. With the big green tree in front. Complete with white picket fence.

Perfect and peaceful.

I parked my truck, and got out to start my walk to the door. I wasn't more than 10 feet from my vehicle when she stepped out the side door, said "hey Ang!" and greeted me with the warm smile only the most genuine of people can greet a person with. As I rounded the corner to go through the arch way that was over the entrance gate I couldn't help but notice the little boy toys. And the beautiful little flower garden that was already in bloom. Perfect harmony of motherhood and child. A smile spread across my face, and I let in one of those fantastically cleansing deep breaths. The kind that is good for the soul, and makes you feel like you're in a place worth living. I'm so blessed to do what I love.

And this is what I was greeted with next. Bless her heart :-)








1 comment:

Leigh said...

I love the third one from the bottom. Great light!