
Wednesday, June 24, 2009

This sweet little bundle of goodness was onto me. After our first meeting last week - I said 'uncle' and handed her over to her sweet momma, and made plans to try again for a few more images another day. She is truly a doll, just not that into pictures. Heh, that being said - I *might* have over stayed my welcome the first day. Ok, I *defintely* overstayed my welcome the second time.

I brought Kyla with me, figuring more hands are better, and grandma came too. But the only one who could do anything right, was her precious beautiful momma. From across the room, she'd gently say "Sshhhh..." and the baby would settle right down. There is nothing like a mom's love for her baby, and the baby's trust ... that her momma will keep her safe, and make it all go away ...

And we did go away ... but not as soon as we should have ;)







1 comment:

Andrea said...

These are so pure and beautiful. I love them.