
Thursday, July 9, 2009

Quick Peak With a Long Story

I was all excited to get to this photo shoot yesterday, and with an hour drive on my hands, and a session start time of 8:00am, I was pulling out of my drive way at 6:50am ... and VERY proud of myself (notoriously five minutes late generally, no matter WHAT time I get up). Rod had grabbed me the directions to get to the park, so I wouldn't have to drive so far, shaving off some travel time to boot.

I made a vital mistake though. One which I will never make again. I didn't stop for coffee at Tim Horton's. I know. It still sends shives down my spine. I suffered the wrath - which you will read about.

So, off I went, rockin' it to music - careless - and loving on the beautiful sun coming up, still low in the sky, wrapping the canola fields in warm golden colors. That made me giddy, and I smiled as I set the cruise control at 105 kms because I was peaceful and not rushing.

Seeing a sign, and deciding it must me time, I vered off the highway ... as the green little line on my map said I would eventually have to do. Unknowingly, I turned off too soon. Still all happy from my rockin'-not-rushed morning I was smiling at all the cows that were out for a morning walk (obviously had gotten out somehow, but who could blame them? it was a beautiful day!), I even slowed down for them. After driving certainly more than 11.3 kms as my map had indicated, I came upon the idea that I *might* have made a wrong turn. So, I sighed, and turned around, and headed on back - no problem! - as I left early enough I was not going to be late. I was still happy I got up at 5:30 - to enjoy the day, it sure was beautiful. So, now doubling back - still smiling, and happily waving at the farmer, who was driving behind the cows that I first passed. They had been found, and were now walking as if they were in a marching band, headed back to the pasture - in uniform shape on the side of the road in front of the truck. It was an interesting sight. I was still happy - thinking the farmer was smiling so nice, and driving so slow, because he was enjoying the sun also, along with his coffee. Mmm, coffee.

Back onto the highway I went. Not finding another turnoff. So, I turned around AGAIN, thinking well - that MUST have been it. But it wasn't. The farmer was gone - and the cows were back at home. I was thankful, not just for them being retrieved, but so the farmer wouldn't start to wonder what I was doing. Eventually, I placed a call to Rod, who probably ancitipated me doing so. Indeed, I made a wrong turn. My path was corrected by Rod, and I was again on the right course. Somehow, I made another wrong turn. My day was starting to to take a down slide on the happy-scale. Staring at the clock (while lost) at 8:00am ... I was late. Deflated, I tried to call them to tell them my ETA. Traveling aimlessly on the gravel roads, crossing texas gates, and two more calls to Rod, I was FINALLY pulling into the park ... THIRTY MINUTES LATE. With my head hung low, I plead my case and begged for forgivenss. It was a rocky start, and most certainly not a good first impression ... but it was what it was. I nearly kissed their feet, but thought that would bring their first impression of me down, even lower.

But we did it! And thank you again for your patience (and the coffee ... they brought me Tim Horton's coffee! ... which I didn't get to drink until my drive home ... it was luke warm, and nothing less than delicious!). I was again, in good spirits for the drive home ... and I didn't get lost! :)


Taz, the dog. All of 9 inches tall, and very angry with me for being late. The fact that I loaded the red couch into my truck myself that morning, bore nothing.


A nursing momma - trying to buy us a quick minute with the bottle ;)


1 comment:

Kyla Beth Hornberger said...

ADORABLE PIX!!!and a devestating fix. Maybe Rod will get you a GPS for Christmas!!!