
Saturday, March 13, 2010

the three stooges

Photography is my cathartic release. Completely. While it's not *always* that way whilst in the middle of the shoot (like ... say ... with the three Higa children...), come evening when I'm sitting down flipping through what we accomplished, my heart swells. I've got a goal to have a fun family session monthly, and as often in between as I can.

It looked nice out today. After mucking around the house and doing a bit of orgainizing (YAY! and so what if it was just one cupboard ... good for me!), I decided I'd try to take the monkeys out. It was a frustrating exit out of the house (have to pee, need a drink, where's my keys, no you can't have chocolate milk, get off the counter, fine - have chocolate milk, PLEASE get off the counter, clean up the chocolate milk that fell off the counter that sprayed all over clean clothes and walls AND roof, really Tatum? you want to wear that? ok Tatum you rockstar, you can wear that, where ARE my KEYS). And it was cold. Like freezing out. Windy.

But they look happy, don't they? That's good - because they make me happy.








Quite the ensembles today. But you know what? That's what makes me smile. I have to prep an entire post devoted to outtakes. That's next on my agenda :)


Unknown said...

Your kids are beautiful! I really lie the processing on these.

Whitley Pollet said...

I love these! The colors are gorgeous!