
Thursday, May 27, 2010

Not merely what we do, but what we try to do and why, are the true interpreters of what we are.

~C.H. Woodward

Not long ago I was involved in a facebook status discussion revolving around the word 'try'. All who responded disliked that word.

Except me.

Try is the operative word. The interum period. The unknown. If not for 'try' failure would surely come. 'Try' sets things in our universe in motion. That energy moves, bundles, and heaves. It propells a spirit to push through the wooded forest beyond the shaddowy mist, beyond the hiss of 'can't', and toward the warm steady breeze of 'maybe'. Not far in the distance, is a beautiful clearing. The mist still on the blades of grass and encompassing trees. Breathtakingly beautiful light billows in from atop the trees, naturally vignetting what's off in the distance. It's here, that the soft whisper of 'success' is gently carried through the air, and the weight of that word placed upon your heart.

At times we'll fall short of the clearing. But there is much learned from that too. Get up, dust off, and follow the whisper your heart longs to hear.






Shellapp said...

I've really been enjoying your grad posts and this one is my favorite so far. I love your processing and the composition. Great job!

Tracy said...

What a great location you found....I wish my grad photos had looked like this!

Andres Hallett said...

GORGEOUS ANGIE - I love everything about these!