
Saturday, October 4, 2008

Getting Antsy

Can you tell I'm getting the itch to get going at it again?! I'm 12 days away from baby #3, and find myself preoccupied with photography ;) I have a list of things to do, that's only ... well ... probably a mile long ... but I keep thinking, I've got nothing but time now that I'm on my leave away from work (a small part of my brain that keeps telling me that's not the best way to think about things right now ... have yet to get baby #2 into big-boy-bed ... have yet to get said big-boy-bed...*sigh*). Maybe I finally get what people always say about 'you get more relaxed with each child you have' ... I think I've come to the realization that things just work themselves out ........ right? I mean, they do, don't they? Don't they???

That's too deep for me on a Saturday night. So - here's a few pictures I got this afternoon of my sweet little baby #1. I'm {hoping} to be able to start booking again soon, keep checking back, because I'll leave a big 'ole excited sounding post about it when the time comes ;) I'm in the middle of putting a website together ... thanks to bludomain ... and I'm so excited about it! So, things will be a wee bit different when I'm back ... but good different. I hope you're enjoying the fall time - it's my favorite time of year!


Kyla Beth Hornberger said...

I love love LOVE the pix. The one with the door in the background is my favorite.

Grethel Van Epps said...

beautiful!.. can't wait for your site!

Missy Foster said...

I haven't seen your little girl since she was born...she is beautiful! A little Japanese Angie! Great photos!