
Saturday, October 11, 2008

New Website Almost Ready!!!!!

I'm so excited so SO so excited!! Bright colors, lots of familiar faces, I hope you'll like it! It's been fun to work on. A few final tweeks yet to do, and it should be up and running very soon. There will be a few changes to how things are done, which is exciting to me ... so stay tuned ... more products available as well! I'm still thinking of a way to kick off, and I'm *hoping* it will be mid-November. When I posted a while back about taking a break, I referred many of you to a friend, I'm not sure who has taken advantage of her services (does that sound bad? I mean ... who has used her services ... is that bad still?) .... er ... who has booked a session with the wonderful Kyla , so I'm just going to start from scratch. Keep checking back, because I plan to have something special for the first person to book a session ... scratching my head though, as to what that might be yet ;)

Oh - still two-in-one over here. Five more days .... and we haven't decided on a name yet ... and we don't know if it's a boy or girl, incase you're wondering. HMMMmmmm, post a comment with some fantastic name ideas, and if we choose yours I will reward you ;)

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