Tatum: mom?
Me: yes?
Tatum: I wanna be in the newspaper.
Me: really? why?
Tatum: Because Seth was, so can you just phone them?
Me: phone who?
Tatum: ugh. the newspaper.
Me: and what am I supposed to say?
Tatum: umm, well *shrugging* just tell them that you have a good kid, and she just wants to be in the paper ... that's all. I'm sure they will.
Me: I'm not sure it works like that.
Tatum: please, will you just take a picture, and then phone them.
----small break to take a few snappies ---
Tatum: nooooowwwwww can you phone them?
Me: how about I put your picture up on my blog instead?
Tatum: *sigh* ok. mom?
Me: yes my dear...
Tatum: well, can I just have some gum?
If I'd only have known this was an evil plot to get some gum - we'd all have been happily blowing bubbles an hour ago *sigh*. Lord love a lamb....
That is HILARIOUS!!! There is a spot in the paper for reader's to send their own photos and I hear they are always looking for someone new....or maybe have her SUPER cute at the Easter Egg hunt - or she could faint...I'm with Tatum, she needs to be in the paper.
LOL! That's what Rod said tonight - send one of the pictures in as a request for that section - and her request for fame ;) I'm gonna do it!
Beautiful girl..
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