
Monday, April 6, 2009

there is no home like the one you've got...

'cause that home be-lo-ongs to you-eww'... Have you SEEN Bolt? Oh. my. stars. It's a must see. I love John Travolta, and he's the darling little poochie-pooch voice in the movie. In fact - before you read on - head to the left side of my blog - see the little red music box? Scroll down until you get to the song 'Barking at the Moon' and click it. I'll give ya a sec....

got it?

Ok. Groovy. Anyhoo - the session tonight was for a couple of darling sisters and their 10 week old miniature schnauzer. Trigger, what a dude. But I had to bite my tongue at all the times I almost called him 'Cheeko'. A handsome little mister. And what a handful. This sweety-boy is going to rule the roost. He's sweet, furry, FUNNY, playful, young, (and he ADORED me ... can I add that here?) and has that spark in his eye ... that forshaddow-y spark that's innevitably going to lead to the furnature he is sooooooo going to destroy .... but did I say how HANDSOME he is??? It needed to be said again. And the girls adore him. But I think his new momma adores him most ;-)








Don't worry. I re-read the first line a few times once I had the music coordinated too ;-P

1 comment:

Kyla Beth Hornberger said...

beeeatiful editing and color!!