First up to bat - I am full for the summer (I'm full on chocolate chip cookies too at the moment ;). Thank you so very much to those of you who have let me have the pleasure of photographing you and yours ... it still blows me away that I'm here doing this ... can you say fortunate?
Second - I want to give a big shout out to those of you who are still waiting for your gallery ... I'm working on it, and hope to wrap lots of stuff up very soon. As much as I think I can truck on through stuff at a rapid speed - it rarely works that way. So - another HUGE thank you for your patience, and allowing me to be what I do best ... be a mom :) I'll contact you the second I have them finished.
Third - I'm due back to my 'real' job this coming October. And that means now that it's already JULY - I've only got two full months left (August, September) to enjoy my 'time off' (ha! or whatever you call it;). I am leaving my schedule closed for photography now until likely November. I need to wrap my head around the idea of going back to work, and being a nurse in the emergency department, there are a few things I have to study for to get back up to snuff. I still need to find a babysitter for my three monkeys (any takers? seriously ... I'm at a loss ... ) Most importantly, I am desperate to love on my three itty-bitty babes ... Tatum is FIVE now, Brock will be THREE next month, and baby Sophie is 8.5 months already ... ALREADY! Life is fast, and amazing around here, so I've listened to my heart ... and I'm going to wrap up what I've got scheduled, and soak up all the kisses, thumb-er-wars, night-time snuggles, and try to figure out how to curb the battles between the sibs. Thanks for understanding - it puts a smile to my face!
I'm still busy for July and a little in August, so keep coming back, I'll continue to update. And come NOVEMBER - get ready - I'll do as I did last time and kick it off with something awesome :) So - here's a picture of beautiful Kyla for the post from a fun spec of a session we attempted tonight ... the weather turned sour, so we had to cut it short. We have BIG plans to hook up again soon - so stay tuned - stay put baby!
I love the shot of Kyla, nice work, can't wait to see more.
How stinkin cute are you two?!!
OH.MY.GOSH! I think this is the cutest picture I've ever seen. Kyla how are you so adorable?
She totally IS the cutest thing!! I love her to bits :)
And Kyla isn't just about her good looks, she's very talented in many ways. Great picture.
What a cool retro shot! Ang, I think you should submit this to the magazine to be published in one of their amaze me time after time
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