I miss my blog! Right off the bat, I need to send a shout out to all the wonderful people who took the time to read my last post, and particularly those who left a comment on my blog, and the BEAUTIFUL emails I received because of it. So often, I put too much out - but it never fails - the times I feel like I've put too much out - I get soooo much more back. Thus reinforcing in my little mind, that it's good to share. Having a blog to do with what I want, has been so amazing. I have connected with people who I have never met, and each and every day I am so thankful for that :) So, THANK YOU :)
Well!! I'm happy, healthy, and kicking!! And what a whirl-wind month it's been :) I've been back at work for a month, and it's starting to feel familiar again - and that's so exciting!! For those of you who don't know, I'm an emerg. nurse, and returning to work from a year long maternity leave Right. Smack. In. The. Thick. of everything H1N1 has been nothing less than interesting. And, because it's the talk of the WORLD - incase you're wondering - YES! My family has had both the seasonal, and H1N1 vac's. And I'm STOKED about that. Period.
Since I last left off, I have jumped back into the working-out-of-home routine. It was tough at first, easier as time goes on. The co-worker catch-ups, the patient's, the work, the paycheck ... it's all good! I am so fortunate to have such an amazing job, that touches so many. And on the homefront? We're all totally great :) I found an amazing babysitter. THAT DRIVES. And she, I'm convinced, was sent straight from God, for me to meet. My stress level went from a 10 to a 1. What else? I'm a school mom! Tatum, jiving with the kindergarten routine blows my mind. She's reading bits here and there. A whole 'nother post to come soon about the school bullying thing (nothing to fear, don't worry) ... but just so you know - I'll be the biggest advocate for my kids - and against school bullying - that the world will ever see. Mark. My. Words. I'm a passionate person, what can I say? :) Sweet Tatum learned how to tie her shoes yesterday. In ten minutes flat. She rocks.
Brock is growing into a big brother since Tatum's been at school! He's so cute with Sophie (*when Tatum's at school*), all helpful, and stuff. When Tatum get's home, he's connected to her hip :) It's been good for him and I to spend some time together. We've had our, ahem - *challenges* together. He's a tad strong minded. And I've heard I'm the same? Well, whatev. We're awesome ;) That being said, if there's anyone out there who can help me with the whole bending-down-to-eye-level-thing and asking said child to do something and the response is "ohhhh-KKKKKKKKKKAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!" so intensly that my hair is blown straight back from my face, that would be great. Thanks.
Baby Sophie? She's amazing. Why talk much, when you can growl? She's a growler. And she learned how to crawl down the stairs backwards tonight. She - along with the other two, rock my world each and every day. Life is more challenging than I can ever remember, that much is true. I was driving the other day, and my brother had switched the radio station to country music. Garth Brooks came on. I used to LOVE country, and I believe quite honestly that I'd still be able to rock the dance floor with my mean two-stepping skills (ha!). I'll always love Garth Brooks. Standing Outside The Fire was on. It brought goose-bumps to my arms, a smile to my face, and more pep to my step than a handful off coffee beans could do to an empty stomach. I was blaring at the top of my lungs:
"Life is not tried it is merely survived
If you're standing outside the fire"
Don't ever lose hope. Work hard for what you want. And ... don't forget to LIVE!!! Before you check out the video, be sure to turn the volume down on my red music playlist to the left (the volume slider is on the top right of the red box).
To finish off, here's a picture of our sweet Sophie from today. She dropped into the four of our lives, and makes us rock it like a family of five every day. And we love it!
such a perfect perfect picture!
Thanks for posting a picture of Sophie wearing the headband....she is absolutely gorgeous!
Take care Angie.
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