
Thursday, July 23, 2009

oh my aching OVARIES!

No kidding - pang-sha-pang-pang! Most often these days my 'mommy-hood' feeling is complete. And then I get called to meet this baby sweetness. I'm knocked off my track again ... the the jury is once again out.

I couldn't narrow down what to post. I wanted to post the WHOLE session. We started early, she was a DREAM baby, (no kidding, not a schmidge of 'makin' ya feel good' here ... she was amazing), the light was beautiful, the location was awesome. There wasn't even any fussing! (Except when mom and dad would hold her hand to walk together ... little miss independent ...). We finished just as it was time for her to head on home for a nap. She is one of my ALL TIME favorites, and I so totally hope I get to photograph you all again, I had a wonderful morning!





