And let me tell you I will never do it alone again.
We work well together, and I remember at one point during the ceremony, I was ducking down in front of center stage, and she was off to the left side. A big thing was happening, and I wanted to be able to capture their beautiful parents' faces while it was happening. As if she could hear my thoughts, she turned and looked at me. I nodded my head this way, and that, to indicate the parents on either side of me, and with a confirming nod and a serious face - she went to town. It was hilarious! Nine hundred months pregnant to boot :)
We enjoyed our time with you all! Thanks for being so patient while waiting for me to get this up. While it's fun to have some back up - it's a lot of extra work - because the images Kyla took are FABULOUS! Enjoy!!
Kyla hung back, to catch up with the girls when they arrived at the church. Beautiful Steph, always smiling. She's gorgeous, inside and out.
The ceremony was lovely! I almost couldn't contain myself watching the two of them. Stephanie hung on every word Jonathan spoke, and at one point she was actually leaning into him while he was talking. I snapped a photo during prayer. She was swaying side to side, so totally in the moment that she wouldn't have even noticed she was doing to. In love, and completely devoted to one another.
I realize this is a lot of images. I had to do it collage style, there were too many to choose from! The middle group picture came straight from Kyla's camera. Turns out, it's only like MY MOST FAVORITE image from the bazillion we captured that day. She takes credit for a couple more in this set as well - she was on FIRE that day :) ETA: I'm sorry your hair is *shudder* GREEN in the bottom photo second to the left ... it isn't really like that! Scouts honor.
Best of luck to you both. So much love, health and utter joy wished to you!
you give FAR to much credit my way - YOU ARE ALWAYS AMAZING and blow me away. EVERYTIME. Such BEAUTIFUL work and such an adorable couple (that always helps!)
Both of you rocked this wedding!! Love the pictures you guys took. Keep workin it sistas!!!
Ditto to both comments!!! They are lovely pics and you can feel the love on from both sides of the camera! Magical stuff ladies, magical.
these are gorgeous!!! love the brightness and colors!
Beautiful pictures Angie and Kyla. Steph showed me all the pictures yesterday and they are beyond gorgeous!! Great job ladies.
Both of us looking gorgeous!!!!!Such BEAUTIFUL work and such an adorable couple!!!!!
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