
Sunday, September 27, 2009

my beautiful babies

Yeesh! It's been so long since I've blogged (aside from the post below this one), that I almost forgot how much FUN it is! I do believe this is the FIRST time I've done a little session, edited, and POSTED pictures of all THREE of our kids! I was so looking forward to this - SOOOO looking forward to it! All too often, what I really want gets neglected (photo's of our kids, say) ... and it feels so good to finally put it on on the menu for the day!

I have officially been off work for a year ... and due to go back this week (ack!). While I'm a bit sad about that (and nervous!), I am so very greatful that here in Canada we are blessed with a year long maternity leave. There is no denying it's been one of the more busy years of my life (heh, do ya think?!) - but I feel like it's been a fabulous one. We've had ups and downs, snuggles, tears, a few door slams (not from me - the kids, lol), a trip to emergency, dress up days, plays, plays, and more plays, and more belly laughs than I've had in my lifetime. And I've had the opportunity to watch them grow, right here, in our home.

And so begins the next chapter of our life. While I find most days a challenge to do what I need to do, I'm going to add my nursing job to the mix :) I'm so fortunate that I have a job that I love, in some ways it feels like it's my duty ... to do what I can to help keep my loved ones safe. Our beautiful babies are growing up - Tatum is now 5, Brock is 3, and Sophie will be a year on October 16th. Amazing. Rod - the dear saint! - was working the night shift last night, and was kind enough to stay up this morning (which turned into the entire day, oops!) to come with me to help out. Thank you - because it helped that the kids had you around while I tried to capture a bit of what we love, although it didn't quite go as planned ... but does it ever?















Anonymous said...

OH MY!! Angie...your kiddies are to die for cute!! You are one talented lady! I LOVE these pictures. Good work sista!

Angie Higa said...

Thanks TJ. Would have loved to find a train, and try to get a snappie of what you did :)

Angie Higa said...
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Anonymous said...

These are fabulous shots by a gifted mother/photographer and terrific subjects both infront of the lens and live! I have much to be greatful for! Thanks for sharing Ang! mom

Missy Foster said...

Beautiful kiddies!

Crave Photography said...

Thank you for the sweet comments on my blog! These are wonderful photographs! You did an amazing job of capturing the personality. Great work :)

michelle said...

Love these photos Angie! Love the way you processed them as well. Did you use any specific actions?